Monday, 25 June 2007

Arena - Dealing With 2 Stealthers

Dear BRR, I haven't dabbled much in PVP prior to L70, but I've gotten on-board a 2V2 arena team and it's a blast. I also know that PVP will help up my skill on PVE content as well. Do you have any advice / strategy/ tactics for a 2V2 arena team? How does BRR roll up the opponents in arenas & do you have any tips to up my PVP game in general?
For the Horde!

After mailing RC back to ask his teammate we recived.

BRR, I run with a combat rogue. The strategy we usually operate under is for a healer, DPS team, take out the dps then chew on the healer. Usually he can handle the squishies while I try to keep them at range.We've had better luck leaving the healers till last in 2v2.

What I'm inquiring about is some basic strategies, how do you maintain good kiteing distance? what do you do against a pair of stealthed rogues / druids. What's a good strategy for staying at range and what tricks can you use to keep that 9m buffer between you and the target. Any macros that are useful (aside from the trinket-popping, intimidation, TBW "Iwin button" macro)

I've been having a tough time finding PVP guides for Hunters Vs. other classes. I do like the Viper Sting (Rank 1) trick against a pally, but I'm usually running around trying to get the hang of the battle to effectively DPS down my targets.

We find discussing PVP strategies to be a most satisfing way to spend our time, almost as much fun as implementing and adapting them to real world use. Unfortunatly it is huge topic with so many variables we cannot possibly cover the topic in a single post. So we shall pick a prarticlar topic mentioned to start the ball rolling - fighting 2 stealthed opponents.

Hunters are particularly well equipped to deal with stealthers. Mrs BRR is an elemental shammie, she also has some tricks to bring to the table. Like magma totems to create safer areas and mitigate the chances of getting cheap shotted, sapped or 3 shotted with an ambush. On the hunter side of the equation we bring traps (ice is particularly nice), flares, marks and dots (Serpent sting).

Our standard tactic when charging out of the gates in 2v2 arenas is if we see a single enemy, enter combat and start burning ASAP, this locks you in combat and prevents sap. BRR's first cast depends on the class we are facing in the open and the time the match has been going but is frequntly flare > ice > BW while my frost shocking wife starts laying down magma > tremor or straight DPS. Having 2 range classes lets us set up a safer area to DPS from to minimize risk w/o losing damage output.

If we see no one on exiting our buff area we have a designated spot in each arena that we head for and setup a safe zone to work from. Flare is always the first cast in these instances, followed by a trap. Once we are safe in a magma/flare area we can either wait for the assault to start or the buffs to come up. If we want to force an earlier start to the action we can leave magma/flare running and "Eyes of the Beast" Spike for a scout around the edges of the area and usually force a destealth. Another tactic we use is to rely on magma for body cover and flare out further than our safe zone randomly.
"Eyes of the Beast" is particularly useful when you have seen a non-rogue/druid stealth up with Shadow Meld. They are stuck in place and even though you cannot reach them quickly w/o exposing yourself you can set up a safe zone to ward off their partner and use your pet to knock them into site for a hunters mark. The most common reason I've seen this used is a squishy priest is attempting to hide so you cannot focus fire them down fast of the bat.
We have much more to say on the topic but cannot continue, we promised to try and keep our posts smaller and easier to digest. We shall try to post some macros tomorrow.

- Good luck in all your battles BRR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi BRR, I just started doing Arena (2v2) with a Destruction Lock as a partner and look forward to more insight in this new world from you.

Good posts until now.

Grimshar - EU Moonglade