Monday, 18 June 2007

Season 2 Cometh

Our spies tell us season 2 will be released on patch night this week. This means new arena and battleground gear will be available to all.

BRR hopes all the Horde out there have been good little Alliance killers and saved up a nice stockpile of honor and arena points and BG tokens. We looking forward to a new Epic ring and neck to round out some of our gear deficiencies.

We have had 100 AV tokens in our bank off and on for months due to our love of Alterac Valley as a conflict resolution tool. We did have to break ourselves from it this past weekend to stock up on Eye of the Storm marks, and refined our Eye strategy slightly.

In the Eye our old tactic was control 2 bases and cap the flag as fast and as may times as possible. While this worked 9/10 times we have discovered a small trick to help keep our horde brothers ahead in the victory points. Do not cap the flag immediately when you get to your horde controlled tower of choice. By all means run to the towers illusion of safety as fast as your aspect of the cheetah will allow, but when you arrive take a moment. Drop an ice trap and flare before surveying the battlefield, direct your attention specifically to the flag spawn point. We like to wait on our cap until it is firmly in horde possession before claiming our flag cap victory points.
Our decision to hold off on capping is a risk but a calculated one. The risk can be minimized, probably more so by a hunter than any other class. If we have track humanoid, BW, a flare and an ice trap set we unlikely to be overpowered or surprised before we can cap. The benefit of waiting for the right time can deny the opposition any chance to get extra points and keep the game firmly under horde control.

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